When it comes to men and relationships, it can be hard for a girl to know what it is that drives guys crazy, in a good way! We've all got the basics. He wants love, support, guy time, respect blah blah blah. Any girl in her right mind knows that these are the fundamentals. But what are the small secret things about women that men find incredible? What details catch a man's attention and make him think about a summer romance? What is it about a woman that really turns the heads?
- Men LOVE women who are always positive and confident. Women who don't criticize other women or complain about their own personal flaws a lot are completely irresistible to guys.
- Guys love pony tails! They're fun, flirty, and frankly remind them of sex. So wear 'em!
- A woman wearing a skirt or dress is both rare and amazing. Play up your unique femininity with a cute summer dress or swishy skirt! Cinnamon and Vanilla scents are irresistible to men.(I learned this one first hand from a number of guys).The scent plus the swishy skirt combined is sure to knock em dead ;)
- The ultimate key to attraction? CONFIDENCE! A woman who stands firm in her beliefs, doesn't seek his approval, and believes in herself no matter what will attract men like bees to honey.
- Be upfront about what you want. Guys don't take hints and can't win at guessing games, so just tell them what you're looking for!
- Be adventurous! The exciting girl who initiates exciting and sometimes dangerous activities is nothing less than stellar in his eyes.
- The most attractive women always do one thing: they SMILE! No matter what, the woman who smiles is always more attractive than the one who doesn't.
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