Think back over the past week. Have you and your man found time to do something fun together? No? You are not alone. Most couples spend an average of 150 minutes together a day(for some its a lot less than that) and most of that is spent watching TV and a mere 15 minutes each day is spent socializing.
So why are relationship hours so rare? For a start, we work more hours than ever, add everything else into the mix (gym,friends, Facebook :), etc) and its not surprising we don't have time for each other. The reality is we need to make the time. Here are the secrets to more you and him time......
- Share a car to work- traffic jams in this day and age are horrible just that can give you about an hour talk time
- Have a you and him happy hour before your respective girls/guys night out
- Take a change of clothes to work, instead of dashing home before your date, so you meet him at six rather than at seven.
- Ban cinemas. Why sit in the dark when you could be talking? this will gain you 2 to 3 hours together time.
- Go for a countryside picnic. When its a field of cows, rather than the football competing for his attention, you are guaranteed to win
- Play tennis or squash together- it'll get your competitive and lusty fires burning (this i like)
- " You pass a bowling alley and wistfully agree,'We should do that soon', then head to to the pub/club...instead make a pact to do it
Well they are more secrets to gaining that time but lets start with these seven and see how it goes.
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