Finding the right guy is indeed a tricky business. When even a proclaimed faithful like David Beckham can bend easily to a Rebecca or a Sarah and who knows how many more, then what would the lesser mortals belonging to generation-X do? Do guys come with ISI marks? Is there any Einstein or Freud working on gadgets to measure the sincerity of guys in a relationship? Certainly this job of knowing whether the guy who touches the heart is worth living with for a lifetime is becoming difficult. To make the job easier, here are offered 15 secrets about guys that a girl must know. Read them, apply them to your guy-in-love and decide.
1. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention:
So don't get carried away. They like watching girls because it is their biggest pastime. They admire girls even if they're not that much pretty. And the next step in line is to get the girl respond to them. It is just the feel-good factor to ensure that they are attractive enough for the girls. So don't slip away from your ground at the mere gimmicks shown only to attract you.
2. If a guy praises you to your face, don't take it in face value:
Guys are generally fun-loving and are pleased to see how they can make you believe their words. So don't believe them if they say they can't sleep without hearing your voice on the phone or can't live without seeing you, etc. A guy interested in a serious relationship would use these dialogues selectively only at times when he thinks he really needs to tell you and that you would believe him in return. Such a guy when he says like that, would have really meant that. But that takes some time into a serious relationship.
3. For guys, chemistry is not necessarily connected to beauty:
Yes, it is something else. In fact, the way the girl presents herself attracts the guy to enter into a serious relationship than her efforts at the beauty parlour. The girl's smile is the first missile that blows him off. And then it is about how she conducts herself in groups and in person. Generally, guys like to flirt but they don't like flirts.
4. If a guy tells you he loves once in a lifetime, he really does:
Because no guy says so easily "I love you" to a girl. But when he says he means it. He may be flirting around with so many, but would have special feelings for a special girl who he cannot forget. And if you happen to be that special friend, who doesn't want to respond to him, then don't expect him to give up. His entire life goal from then on will be to make you accept him. He will give up only when he comes to know that some other guy has succeeded in his application to you.
5. Rejection is the biggest nightmare for guys:
They don't accept defeat so easily, particularly if they have had a relationship with a girl for quite some time. They will keep trying to get your approval, despite the "no" you have said. If they hear you say "no," they would actually hear it "not now." So they will keep trying. See what happens with Beckham. He may have dated different girls at different times, but would be quick enough to seek pardon from his wife. If Victoria turns "spicy" enough to reject him, he is sure to break. Rejection by the girl is something the guys cannot bear. This brings out the next secret about guys that they do cry!
6. Guys cry:
When something goes amiss in a relationship, guys are equally affected as girls. But it is better to let him off if he really proves unworthy in a relationship. That is the way guys learn to behave. It is experience and rejection that make them mature and well-behaved. So let him cry to learn better. But if a guy cries in front of the girl in an otherwise normal relationship, it is better to listen to him. He may be having a genuine reason to cry that the girl must certainly listen to. Because, as a general rule, guys don't cry in front of his lady love, unless otherwise there is a strong reason.
7. Guys love their moms:
And they like girls who are like their moms. The generation X girl looking for a serious relationship with such a guy need not worry about his mom. Recent studies have shown that the mom loves the girl more because her son loves the girl. And since the son sees the girl in his mom's image, he is sure to possess the tenderness that he used to show to his mom. For instance, the girl can expect him to have some expertise in culinary because that is one area the guy would have excelled to help his mom. The mom too in turn is likely to reduce the household chores of the girl as a way of pleasing her son. Anyway, good luck girls!
Unless the boy comes of age with reference to this habit, it is very difficult for him not make his girl, now his mistress, throw tabs as well as tantrums at him at the slightest popping of suspicion. Victoria Beckham failed to see this secret and the Real Madrid Mr Clean succumbed to the weakness. There is a lesson in them for both guys and girls!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/secrets-about-guys-that-girls-must-know-125128.html
About the Author
Michael Douglas is a relationship expert and the webmaster of http://www.womendatingmanual.com where he provides tips to get the guy you want and keep him committed forever, attracting men, how to seduce a man and much much more...
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